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- A A S S T R R O O L O O G G
- A A S T R R O O L O O G
- A A S T R R O O L O O G G
- A A S S T R R O O L O O G G
- ** VERSION 4.40 **
- Astrolog: currently used in over 20 countries on six continents!
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- Astrolog is relatively unique in astrology software for the following reasons:
- (1) It's 100% freeware. :)
- (2) It runs on multiple platforms.
- (3) The full source code is available.
- (4) It can be run from the command line and from shell scripts.
- (5) It offers many features not found in most other programs.
- --
- A list of the main features in Astrolog:
- Position calculation features:
- Positions of Sun through Pluto and the house cusps.
- Positions of Chiron and the four main asteroids.
- Positions of True and Mean nodes, Part of Fortune, Vertex, and East Point.
- Positions of Lilith.
- Positions of the eight Uranian planets.
- Positions of over 40 fixed stars.
- Positions of over 170 Arabic parts and their formulas.
- Option to use any or all of accurate 8400 year ephemeris.
- Computation features:
- Thirteen house systems.
- Tropical and sidereal zodiac.
- Specify zodiac starting position / ayanamsa.
- Heliocentric and other planet centered charts.
- Applying and separating aspects.
- Parallel and contraparallel aspects.
- Harmonic charts.
- Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven.
- Decan positions.
- Specify your own positions for planets.
- Positions relative to ecliptic or equator.
- Local horizon positions in prime vertical coordinates.
- Display formats:
- Generic position listing.
- Wheel charts.
- Aspect and midpoint grids.
- List aspect configurations such as Yods.
- List aspects sorted by influence.
- List midpoints sorted by position.
- Local horizon positions.
- Times of planets rising and setting.
- Solar system orbit charts.
- Astro-graph charts.
- List latitude crossings in astro-graph charts.
- Generic monthly and yearly calendars.
- Ephemeris tables.
- Biorhythms charts.
- Transit and progression features:
- Secondary progressions and solar arc progressions.
- Specify your own progression rate.
- Times of exact aspects among transiting planets.
- Times of planets changing sign or direction.
- Times of lunar phases and season changes.
- Times of exact aspects in a progressed chart.
- Times of exact transit hits.
- Times of transits to house cusps.
- Times of solar, lunar, and other returns.
- Times of exact transits from progressed planets.
- List transits to natal planets within orb in influence order.
- List aspects within orb among transiting planets in influence order.
- Transits to composite and other no-time charts.
- Relationship chart features:
- Synastry charts.
- Composite charts.
- Time space midpoint charts.
- Weighted relationship charts.
- Display elapsed time between charts.
- Aspect and midpoint grids between two charts.
- Aspect and midpoint lists between two charts.
- Automatic progressed to natal comparison chart.
- Interpretation features:
- Influence charts sorting planets and signs by power.
- Interpret natal positions and natal aspects.
- Interpret transits and midpoints.
- Interpret transiting aspects and sign and direction changes.
- Interpret aspects and midpoints between charts.
- Interpret synastry charts.
- Graphics features:
- Graphic wheel chart.
- Graphic bi-wheel comparison / transit chart.
- Graphic aspect / midpoint and relationship aspect / midpoint grids.
- Graphic astro-graph chart on a map of the world.
- Graphic local horizon, polar horizon, and orbit charts.
- Graphic ephemeris tracking chart.
- Graphic calendars and biorhythms.
- Dispositor graph chart.
- Plot positions among the astronomical constellations.
- Smoothly animate charts through time at varying rates.
- Continuously update chart to current moment now.
- Animate a rotating globe.
- Timed exposures for horizon and orbit charts.
- Create PostScript graphic files.
- Create graphic X11 and Windows bitmap files.
- Create Windows metafiles.
- Customization options:
- Initialization file for default settings.
- Choose what transiting and natal planets to include in charts.
- Choose among 18 major and minor aspects, or define your own.
- Specify aspect orbs.
- Specify the maximum orb allowed to a planet.
- Specify wider orbs for any planet.
- Display zodiac positions to the nearest second.
- DMY & MDY date formats and 24 hour & am/pm time formats.
- Display locations in hours & minutes or 360 degree form.
- Customize interpretation strings.
- Customize colors.
- Define your own orbital elements for planets.
- Choose among graphic glyphs for certain signs and planets.
- Specify influence of planets and planets when transiting.
- Specify influence of houses and aspects.
- Chart access features:
- Quick charts for the current moment now.
- Save and load chart time and place to file.
- Save and load chart positions to file.
- Save text output directly to file.
- Relocate charts.
- Cast a chart a specified time ahead of any chart.
- System features:
- Display text charts in Ansi color.
- Paging for when text charts are more than a screenful.
- Access environment variables.
- Define macros for your most common operations.
- --
- Astrolog system requirements:
- For PC's, 640K of RAM and a reasonably recent version of DOS. A math
- co-processor chip is recommended for best performance but not
- required. Astrolog can take advantage of Ansi text, CGA, EGA, VGA,
- and SVGA graphics but they are not required. The program will run on
- 8088 AT and XT systems and higher x86 processors. Astrolog is not a
- MS Windows program but can be run from MS Windows in a DOS box.
- For compiling the source code for PC's, the Microsoft C compiler
- version C6 or later, or Borland Turbo C/C++ compiler version 3.0 or
- later. Other compilers should work although one will probably have to
- compile out the screen graphics sections.
- For Unix systems, some C compiler is required since ready to run
- executables aren't available. Astrolog can take advantage of X11
- Windows but they are not required.
- Astrolog will compile and work on VMS systems, even with X Windows,
- but this isn't officially tested. A .COM makefile script is included.
- On the Macintosh Astrolog will compile and run with every feature
- except interactive graphics, using for example the Symantec C/C++ 7.0
- compiler for the Mac. It will run on any reasonably recent 68K Mac
- with 750K free, and will run on PowerMac's in emulation mode.
- A third party port of Astrolog version 4.00 for OS/2 Presentation
- Manager has been done by David Serls.
- Since the source code is available, Astrolog can conceivably be run
- on any system with a C compiler, such as an Amiga.
- --
- Where to get Astrolog:
- The anonymous ftp site hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au, maintained by
- Michael Bulmer. The directory /pub/astrology/Astrolog contains all
- executables, documentation, and source code, for DOS, Unix, and the
- Mac. All ephemeris files are available in the subdirectory
- /pub/astrology/Astrolog/ephem.
- The alternate anonymous ftp site ftp.u.washington.edu in the
- directory /pub/user-supported/brunelle/astrolog contains the main DOS
- files, and was created for times when the hilbert site is busy.
- The BBS "Astro Net-1" at US phone number 414-481-9976, maintained by
- Carl Baewer. This is for PC's only, but has all DOS executables,
- source, documentation, and ephemeris files. Downloads are free minus
- any long distance charges.
- Several versions of Astrolog have been posted to the Usenet newsgroup
- comp.sources.misc and hence are available at many other ftp sites
- archiving this group. Utilities such as archie can locate these
- sites, such as ftp.uu.net. The latest Astrolog release for which this
- was done is 4.10, in volume 32. (Older versions are in volumes 37,
- 30, and 28.) Note that those releases are only in Unix shell archive
- format and have no binary files in them.
- Right after a new release, the files for Astrolog can usually be
- found on the Usenet newsgroup alt.astrology, while the Unix source
- may sometimes be found on comp.sources.misc if the version in
- question was submitted there, until the articles expire.
- If none of the above options are available, and one has internet
- e-mail access, they may e-mail me below and I can e-mail the files
- back. Please indicate what files are sought, e.g. DOS executable, DOS
- source, or Unix source. If requesting any binaries, you will need to
- have the uudecode utility to convert the mail text to binary form.
- --
- Astrolog files:
- When accessing sites offering Astrolog, one may encounter various
- files. Here is a list of them and what they contain, so one will know
- which ones to actually download.
- README.440 -
- A summary of Astrolog and what it offers. What you're reading now. A copy of
- this file is contained in ast44exe.zip and ast44unx.shr.
- ast44exe.zip -
- A ready to run DOS executable and related files. For most PC users, this is
- the only file needed. Pkunzip version 2.04 or later is required to unpack.
- ast44src.zip -
- The source code. Requires a C compiler to use and pkunzip again to unpack.
- Not required to run if you already have the executable above.
- ast44mac.sea -
- A ready to run Macintosh executable and related files. This is just like
- ast44exe.zip but for the Mac. BinHex 4.0 is required to unpack.
- ast44unx.shr -
- The source code and other useful files to run. Contains the same files as in
- ast44src.zip, but in Unix shell archive format. Requires the Bourne shell
- command sh or equivalent utility to unpack.
- pmastro.zip -
- A third party port of Astrolog 4.00 to OS/2 Presentation Manager.
- Helpfile.440 -
- The complete documentation for all of Astrolog's features. A copy of this
- file is contained in ast44exe.zip and ast44unx.shr.
- Update.440 -
- Additions made to version 4.30 over the version before. Only useful if one
- is familiar with the previous version. A copy of this file is contained in
- ast44exe.zip and ast44unx.shr.
- History.440 -
- Describes the history and additions made to each version of Astrolog since
- its beginning. Generally only useful if one is upgrading from several
- versions ago and wants to be updated on the past few releases.
- LRZ5_xx, CHI_xx -
- Ephemeris files. Not required but provide more accurate positions. The files
- are in pairs with xx being a number indicating the time period covered. The
- two files LRZ5_24 and CHI_24 cover the current and 21st centuries. A copy
- of those two files are contained in ast44exe.zip.
- --
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- them in any way.
- The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are
- identical to those above.
- The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by
- Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This
- copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this
- program.
- --
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
- + Walter D. "Cruiser1" Pullen ! astara@u.washington.edu +
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
- + "Who am I, What am I? As I am, I am not. But as we are, I AM. And to +
- # you my creation, My Perfect Love is your Perfect Freedom. And I will be #
- + with you forever and ever, until the End, and then forever more." - GOD +
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#